Get to Know Your Customers through Pinterest

Pinterest is an up and coming site for businesses to better communicate and market to their customers. The website has an effective strategy of driving traffic to business’s website through “pinning” products and inspirations to an individual, custom page. Pinterest simultaneously promotes a culture of uniqueness and consumerism, beating even Yahoo as the 4th largest traffic driver worldwide. Additionally, the ecommerce order value of Pinterest is larger than Facebook, respectively $179.36 vs. $80.22. Research says that 70% of people use Pinterest as inspiration for what to buy, which explains why people on Pinterest are twice as likely to purchase products, as opposed to Facebook.

Recently, Pinterest has been in the spotlight because of its new analytical tool to help businesses observe and manage consumer interest and trends, thus improving their B2C relationships on Pinterest. The analytical tool helps businesses track what “pinners” like, whether certain items were “re-pinned”, and how many pinners visited their business site. With this new analytical tool, website owners can customize content to capture interest based on collected results. For more information on how Pinterest and other social media can help grow your business please contact us.